Is Slack better than email?

The inbox had its heyday, but work today demands more than the status quo. Like a whole new approach to productivity.

It’s not that email is broken – it’s limited

Even though landlines still work, we prefer to do everything on our smartphones. It’s not surprising. Better technology allows us to move faster, accomplish more and connect more easily. That’s exactly what Slack provides, while the inbox remains stuck in a cycle of refreshing and replying.

Emails in a cube
Illustrated laptop with a floating cursor
‘You can’t have a good conversation over email – it’s not quick enough. Coming together in Slack channels allows us to easily discuss day-to-day management topics. That’s invaluable.’LyftBenjamin Sternsmith,
Former Area Vice President of Sales, Lyft Business
Illustrated laptop with a floating cursor

What Slack offers compared to email

Slack isn’t just a tool for sending messages. It’s a place where work flows between all your teams, tools, customers and partners – wherever and whenever you’re working.


All content in Slack channels is searchable, so there’s no need to forward a lot of emails to the person joining your project.


File-sharing, calls, clips and more are all built into Slack – along with real-time messaging. So you can truly work together however you work best.


Slack brings internal and external teams together across locations, time zones and working styles, instead of confining work to the siloed communication of email.


Collaborating in email opens up the risk of spam and phishing. In Slack Connect, you can work securely with partners, vendors or customers.


Connect over 2,600 apps to Slack – whether that’s your calendar or the tools that you use every day – and never forget an attachment again.


In Slack, you can turn routine meetings and tasks such as huddle meetings, approvals and requests into automated workflows to save on the back-and-forth.

How to switch from email to Slack

Sign up

Create a new Slack workspace in a matter of minutes. It’s free to try for teams of any size.

Invite your colleagues

Slack is better together (no, really, it’s a bit underwhelming by yourself), and it’s easy to invite your team.

Pick up exactly where you left off

Try bringing an email into Slack, and continue the conversation. Your team/boss will thank you.

Frequently asked questions

Slack organises conversations into channels, where everyone can come together in one place to share ideas, make decisions and move work forwards. It helps teams to operate faster and stay in sync, wherever they are.

With Slack Connect, you can also improve how you communicate with partners, vendors, clients and more, by bringing your conversations directly into Slack.

Yes. Security at Slack is extremely important to us. You can trust Slack to keep your workspace’s information secure. For more information on how we keep your data secure, please review our security practices.

Group direct messages in Slack can include up to nine people. Group DMs work well for one-off conversations that don’t require an entire channel of people to weigh in – but if you ever need more than nine people, just create a channel!

Yes, Slack can help you to keep all your work communication – including emails – in one place. Learn how to send emails to Slack.