Create your own to-do list

 What you'll learn in 2 minutes or less: How to use a canvas to keep track of your tasks with checklists.

Plan out what you need to accomplish and prioritize important tasks in your own private space. You can also add relevant links and resources.

Go for it!

  1. Open the direct message you have with yourself.
  2. Click the   canvas icon in the top right corner.
  3. Near the bottom of your canvas, click the   check list icon.
  4. Add your first task. Remember to check it off when you’re done. ✅

    Here's an example of what this could look like:open canvas with checklists to prioritize tasks for the next two weeks, as well as link to a relevant resource

Tip: For tasks you and your coworker are collaborating on, you can create a shared to-do list in a canvas.

 What you'll learn in 2 minutes or less: How to use a canvas to keep track of your tasks with checklists.

Plan out what you need to accomplish and prioritize important tasks in your own private space. You can also add relevant links and resources.

Go for it!

  1. Open the direct message you have with yourself.
  2. Click the   canvas icon in the conversation header.
  3. Near the bottom of your canvas, click the   check list icon.
  4. Add your first task. Remember to check it off when you’re done. ✅

    Here's an example of what this could look like: open canvas with checklists to prioritize tasks for the next two weeks, as well as link to a relevant resource

Tip: For tasks you and your coworker are collaborating on, you can create a shared to-do list in a canvas.